Importanta Grupurilor de Suport in Neoplazie, ne vorbeste Smaranda Milu
I have a secret!
Until recently I did not tell about it to anyone except for a few people that are involved. Not even toMother!
In my mind I twisted and turned an idea so many times, that when I decided to tell my close friendsabout it, I felt like they should have already known, I felt like repeating myself.
7 months ago when I received the confirmation of my illness I talked to my friend AlexanderRaducanu, owner of Business Woman magazine. He wanted to help me somehow but he didn’t have any idea at the time, instead he gave me assurances that he will help me in any way he can. We allfelt helpless at the time. Then I didn’t know that cancer has good sides too.
Yes, it has it’s good parts! Quite a lot actually.
If I didn’t got sick I would have never discovered what magnificent friends I have, I would have never started painting again, I would have not learned so many things I did, I wouldn’t have traveled to places I did. Despite all appearances, Cancer has given a new value to my life.
However, a few weeks ago, during WBRT an idea started to sprout in my mind. I started to think of asocial campaign to support women with cancer. I realized that with the support of my new friends in the mass media I could be able to do a cancer awareness campaign, which not only could raise money for Xalkori / Crizotinib, my treatment, but it could send a message to encourage people,especially women, facing a disease similar to mine.
I say similar because Cancer is different from person to person, but during the support groups I attended at the Amethyst clinic organized by my psychotherapist Adina Moraru, I found somecommon elements in cancer patients: disappointment regarding life, resignation to disease,detachment from femininity, oblivion.
Long story short, the secret is no longer secret, on September the 2nd, tomorrow, I’m having aphoto shooting for the campaign, that is happening, on the 5th I’m sending the layout to BusinessWoman Magazine and on 15-th of September, the campaign launches with all the support of Alexandru Raducanu and his friends.
I also asked the opinion of advertising guru, Bogdan Naumovici, and he said he likes the idea. So I’m going to war in good conscience that I did well.
I hope to get support from other media and magazines, I’m expecting answers any day now and I hope this campaign will be meaningful, not only for myself but for others in my situation.
Am un secret!
Pana de curand nu am spus decat putinelor persoane implicate. Nici Mama nu stia!
In mintea mea am intors ideea pe toate partile de atatea ori, incat atunci cand am decis sa le spun apropiatilor mei aveam senzatia ca se stie deja le-am spus si ma repet.
In urma cu 7 luni, atunci cand am primit confirmarea bolii am vorbit cu prietenul meu Alexandru Raducanu, de la revista Business Woman. Ar fi vrut sa ma ajute cumva dar nu ii venea nicio idee atunci, in schimb mi-a dat asigurari ca ma va ajuta cu orice ii va sta in putere. Cu totii ne simteam neputinciosi atunci. Atunci nu stiam ca aceasta boala are si partile ei bune.
Da, are parti bune! Chiar destul de multe.
Daca nu ma imbolnaveam nu descopeream ce multi prieteni am, nu ma reapucam de pictura, nu invatam atat de multe lucruri, nu calatoream pe unde am calatorit. In ciuda tuturor aparentelor, dar acest Cancer a dat un plus de valoare vietii mele.
Oricum, cu cateva saptamani in urma, in perioada WBRT a inceput sa inmugureasca o idee. Am inceput sa ma gandesc la o campanie sociala de suport a femeilor cu cancer. Mi-am dat seama ca cu sprijinul noilor mei prieteni din mass media as putea sa fac o campanie ce cancer awareness, prin care nu numai ca as putea sa adun bani pentru Xalkori/Crizotinib, tratamentul meu, dar as putea sa transmit si un mesaj de incurajare persoanelor dar mai ales femeilor care se confrunta cu o boala asemanatoare cu a mea.
Spun asemanatoare fiindca Cancerul este diferit de la persoana la persoana, iar in grupurile de suport la care am participat la clinica Amethyst, organizate de psihoterapeuta mea Adina Moraru, am descoperit cateva elemente comune la pacientele de cancer: dezamagirea fata de viata, resemnarea in fata bolii, detasarea fata de feminitate, uitarea de sine.
Asa ca pe scurt, secretul nu mai este secret, pe 2 Septembrie am photo shooting pentru campania care s-a inchegat si are loc, pe 5 am predare de macheta la Revista Business Woman si pe 15 se lanseaza campania cu toata sustinerea lui Alexandru Raducanu si a prietenilor lui.
De asemenea, am cerut parerea lui advertising guru, Bogdan Naumovici, care mi-a spus ca-i place ideea. Acum pot sa plec la razboi cu inima impacata ca am facut bine.
Sper sa obtin sustinerea media si de la alte reviste, astept raspunsuri in zilele care urmeaza si sper ca aceasta miscare sa insemne ceva nu numai pentru mine dar si pentru altii aflati in situatia mea.
Sursa: Help Smaranda
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